AM (Advanced) Engineering Drawing aims to explore further and confirm the direct relevance of engineering drawing to the varied design applications found in engineering and technology in general; to further the ability to communicate engineering information by engineering drawings; to develop further the skill of representing design concepts and solutions using both freehand and accurate drawings; to develop an accurate level of draughtsmanship that respects established draughting codes, practices and conventions; and to develop a knowledge of two-dimensional (2D) computer-aided draughting (CAD).
Individual attention
Holistic support
AM (Advanced) exam
The study area AM (Advanced) Engineering Drawing and Graphical Communication is informed by the National Curriculum Framework (NCF).
Candidates following this course are assumed to hold a pass grade of the SEC Graphical Communication syllabus. However, if the student hasn’t obtained this O’Level, we will help out with covering the pre-requisite knowledge as well.
At the end of the programme, the student will be able to:
AM (Advanced) Engineering Drawing and Graphical Communication will cover all of the subject’s core syllabus including: The cone and the conic sections, Cycloidal curves, Spiral curves, Helices and screw threads, Involute Spur Gears, Coplanar loci of points on moving mechanisms, Cams, Projections, Planes, Intersection of Solids, Developments, and Graphical Statics. For a detailed breakdown of what each syllabus entails, click the links below:
Developed by Stefan Azzopardi