SEC or GSCE Economics introduces basic economics concepts, raises awareness of economic issues both at the micro and at the macro level of the economy, and raises awareness of sustainable and ethical ways of production and consumption
Individual attention
Holistic support
SEC O’Level
GCSE O’Level
The study area SEC Economics is informed by the National Curriculum Framework (NCF). GSCE Economics is informed by Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).
Economics is the study of how to use scarce resources in the best possible way. Households, businesses as well as governments are confronted with ‘the economic problem’ of alternative uses of limited resources. For this reason, Economics is also known as the science of choice. The nature of the subject shows the interrelation that exists between different topics. The social, political, environmental and economic ramifications inherent in the process of choosing will be considered.
Extensive media coverage of economic problems and events highlights the need for increased awareness of the economic environment in which we live and the economic forces that act upon our lives. This media coverage fosters a growing public perception of the impact of economic decision-making and the relevance of studying Economics.
At the end of the programme, the student will be able to:
GSCE/SEC Economics will cover all of the subject’s core syllabus including: Basic economic concepts and Resource allocation, The Price Mechanism & its application to particular markets, The Production function in the Short run and in the Long run (Production & Costs), Market failure and Government response, National Income: measurement, interpretation and determination, Inflation & Unemployment, International trade, Economic growth, economic development and the distribution of income and wealth, and Macroeconomic policy. For a detailed breakdown of what each syllabus entails, click the links below:
Developed by Stefan Azzopardi